'My research topic was jazz influences on classical piano repertoire'


Beatriz (Bea) Galán started her classical piano studies at the Professional Conservatory of Palma de Mallorca, graduating with an Honory Award for Chamber Music. She completed her Bachelor's degree specialising in contemporary music at Musikene, the Higher School of Music of the Basque Country. In June 2021, Beatriz graduated cum laude from the Classical Music Master with Paul Komen.

Choosing the Master of Music

'I chose to study the Master of Classical Music at PCC because the school gives students the opportunity to present their own project and focus all their subjects around it. Subjects like performance, research, entrepreneurship and other lessons help you to grow as a musician, formulating a clear goal and vision. Students choose their own topic and specialise in it, guided by coaches. I was introduced to the world of entrepreneurship that opens so many doors for musicians. Where I come from I had no training in entrepreneurship, so that was a revelation for me. Suddenly I could see a lot of possibilities around me.'

'Although my first year was the year of the pandemic and the lessons were online, I took advantage of the time of confinement by advancing my research and continuing to practice my repertoire. Fortunately, I had an electric piano at home.'

My research

'My research topic was Jazz influences on classical piano repertoire. Specifically, I was researching how I could transfer the essence of Jazz to this soloist piano repertoire. I started creating new versions with Jazz musicians, adding the rhythm section to these works. My goal was and is to spread this relatively unknown repertoire to the audience: incorporating the freshness of the New Orleans-born style to the world of classical music, and bringing classical repertoire closer to Jazz music lovers.'

'The consequence of working on this topic which I loved so much was to reach another goal, really important for me: enjoying making music and improving my performance. Before coming to The Netherlands, I suffered from intrusive thoughts and stage fright. I have learnt to transform these thoughts and to acquire new habits of studying, thus enhancing my interpretation. This was both personally and musically enriching for me. The PCC environment was certainly a great support to grow as a musician and as a person.'

Being a professional musician

'My research resulted in a project, Classics meet Jazz. This premiered during the Aurora Festival 2021 with a lecture-recital. And I was invited to give a lecture-recital during the AEC European Platform for Artistic Research in Music at the Royal Academy of Music in London in April 2022.
I am working as a freelance musician, teaching private piano students, as a correpetiteur for several choirs, and giving concerts with my band Bea Galán Quintet. And I also teach an elective at Prince Claus Conservatoire, Dance Your Repertoire: Improve your Body Language and Performance. I also offer this project as a workshop for other conservatoires, schools and festivals.'