Online Learning - Training Artists without Borders (NAIP)

  • Studentwork
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Master alumna Karoun Baghboudarian participated in the Cross-Arts Project Online Learning of the European Master's programme New Audiences and Innovative Practice (NAIP) in 2017.

She worked with together Mark Buitenwerf, Master of the Arts, Academy Minerva at Frank Mohr institute.

Looking back she says: "Before doing this project I didn't dare to play online or do a project using the internet. Being a classical cellist I didn't know how. In this project I worked with Mark Buitenwerf from Minerva Art Academy and the aim was to bring together some of my former Syrian colleagues. We were all in different locations (Groningen, Germany, Italy and Syria) but we came together online and we played together like we used to do before we left our country. The result was a video-installation "The Syrian Mosaic" which was exhibited at "The world we live in" Festival in 2017. The installation featured us as cellists in a fragmented video projection apart from each other, yet connected by the music we played.
After this project I feel more free to use the internet to play with my colleagues or even to give online lessons to my pupils in Syria and in the rest of Europe." 

The short film NAIP: Training Artists without Borders gives insight in the aim and the results of this project. 

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