Peter de Grote Hall

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The Peter the Grote Hall is an intimate and atmospheric space specially designed for small-scale musical performances. Characterized by its excellent acoustics, this hall provides a perfect environment for chamber music concerts, solo recitals and other performances.

This chamber music hall creates an environment where the listener is close to the music and the performing artists. The stage is small, so the distance between the musicians and the audience is minimal, creating a personal and intense concert experience. This setup makes the hall ideally suited for chamber music, a genre that thrives precisely on direct interaction between performers and listeners.

The Peter the Grote Hall is often used by conservatory students who want to refine their skills in chamber music. Final exams, master classes and workshops are regularly held here.

In addition, the hall provides a stage for guest teachers and professional musicians to give concerts and master classes.

In short, the hall is an important space within the Prince Claus Conservatoire. It is a place where refined music comes into its own, and where students learn and grow.